Greener Pastures

Outside of free-to-use assets, my contribution to Greener Pastures as its sole creater include:

  • Balanced and built upon the character controller based on the game’s demands, including alterations to the top down camera and combined keyboard / point-&-click controles

  • Structured all menus and UI layouts

  • Incorporated background themes and sound effects

  • Designed an ‘open world’ level and layout of its various obstacles / interactables

  • Added particle effects including ambient floating light and bug clouds

  • Designed various blueprint classes for different in-game interactables

  • Developed NPC companions with AI-based movement and custom weighted decision making. This included 5 destinct decisions whose weight were altered throughout gameplay by events and interactions with the world.

  • Modeled 18+ environment and character models, including texturing

  • Wrote all lines of self-narration dialogue, as well as text prompts and UI text